Chesapeake Bay Seed Capital Fund company profile: Neighborhood Sun

Platform for acquiring and managing customers for community solar projects

Neighborhood Sun, a Maryland-based Certified B Corporation, provides a fully customizable end-to-end platform for community solar developers and subscribers, making renewable energy accessible to community members who would not otherwise be able to support renewable energy or benefit from the associated savings.

“Community solar” refers to local solar panel farms that are shared by community subscribers, who either receive energy directly or get credit on their electricity bills for their share of the power produced. Community solar negates the need for individual subscribers to install solar panels themselves, while still giving them access to solar energy.

By reducing greenhouse gas emissions in a subscriber’s local region, community solar helps to improve local air quality, preserve natural resources, and often create pollinator habitats. Community solar farms also help to increase the resiliency of grids, which is essential during unpredictable extreme weather events.

While it started in Maryland, Neighborhood Sun now manages community solar farms in Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, District of Columbia, Colorado, and Minnesota.

In 2023, the Maryland state legislature passed House Bill (HB) 908, which: made the state’s successful seven-year community solar pilot program permanent; allowed for unlimited community solar capacity; and required that 40 percent of a project’s output serves low- to moderate-income (LMI) Subscribers.

Neighborhood Sun provides additional discounts and financial support to low-income households through its S.H.A.R.E. (Solar Helps Advance Resident Equality) program and Neighbor Benefit Fund.

In 2023 alone, Neighborhood Sun subscribers saved more than $2.8 million on electricity bills, while solar developer partners generated over 201 million kWh of renewable solar energy. The company donated $10,700 to partner nonprofits and impact-driven businesses, and welcomed 5,045 new subscribers.

Program: CBSCF