Dynamhex selected by Zurich North America to collaborate on ideas to help shape the future of insurance

Baltimore-based Dynamhex, a company developing software to help cities and companies target climate action and measure results, was recently selected by Zurich North America to collaborate on ideas to help with the future of insurance.

Dynamhex is both a Chesapeake Bay Seed Capital Fund investment recipient and a recent Maryland Industrial Partnerships (MIPS) grant award-winner.

The collaboration is part of parent company Zurich Insurance Group's third edition of its Zurich Innovation Championship. Among the 12 winners worldwide, two companies, including Dynamhex, were selected to work with Zurich North America.

Winners have now completed the 12-week Accelerator phase to further explore the desirability, feasibility, and viability of their proposals. Dynamhex is working closely with Zurich North America and its underwriting and risk engineering functions on proposed solutions and the product is now listed on the Zurich Marketplace.

Dynamhex uses deep learning optimization and resource planning to provide a platform of end-to-end solutions for corporate, utility, and municipal customers to identify, analyze, and prioritize recommendations for reductions. During the Accelerator phase, the company’s platform will be explored as a tool for helping customers measure aggregate carbon emissions and supporting meaningful conversations regarding the emissions produced from their assets.

The Chesapeake Bay Seed Capital Fund invests in Maryland-based startup companies with innovative technologies that may help improve air and water quality in the Chesapeake Bay area. Supported by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the fund is administered by Mtech.

Dynamhex’s MIPS project, titled “Municipal Decarbonization Blockchain,” is also supported by DNR. The project is still in the contracting process.

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